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BRANDED 7:28 Thu Feb 8
Blue Cards
To be tested from Friday. 10 minute sin bin.

You just know premiership refs are itching to hand these out.

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Jasnik 4:49 Tue Feb 13
Re: Blue Cards
Can't wait for 11 v 8 game.

chim chim cha boo 5:52 Tue Feb 13
Re: Blue Cards
How about we take baby steps and sort out VAR sensibly with equal rules on the rich clubs and the not so rich (or at least glamorous) clubs first?

I have never in my lifetime seen so many professional managers, coaches and commentators come right out and admit they don't understand the hand-ball rules any more.

Also, refs are too protected. If they want to make the game all about themselves and watch themselves on the big screen sauntering towards the pitch side monitor they should have least be bade to give an interview after a match and defend their stupid decisions that are worth literally millions of pounds per game.

I'm convinced that they are bribed by Saudi, far South Asian and other betting crooks.

Helmut Shown 1:18 Mon Feb 12
Re: Blue Cards
You only had to see the cards that idiot Pawson dished put today to see it’s another way to favour the top six.

Mike Oxsaw 10:12 Sat Feb 10
Re: Blue Cards
Has a slight whiff of the administration trying to look like they are "doing something" to improve the game.

Has a strong stench of the media trying to force pauses in the game within which that can shoe-horn adverts for shit nobody actually wants.

Fauxstralian 2:34 Sat Feb 10
Re: Blue Cards
Home team gets a blue card
All the ball boys disappear down the tunnel with the spare balls
Home defender boots the ball into a home section and ball stays there for 10mins
Unless the ref wants to try and come and retrieve it

Helmut Shown 2:25 Sat Feb 10
Re: Blue Cards
Just an excuse to prevent Man Utd and Liverpool players accruing yellow cards and red cards

Willtell 10:53 Sat Feb 10
Re: Blue Cards
I liked the idea at first but then I also liked the idea of VAR. It turns out that referees can’t operate VAR correctly so all we’ve done is created rest periods while decisions are analysed for minutes at a time.

What offences are blue cards going to be given for? Is it to stop “professional fouls” where a player “takes a yellow for the team?” Or is it going to happen for defensive lunges that also get the player? Will VAR be telling refs that was a blue not a yellow - go and check?

Surely it would be better to stop fucking around with the rules that got football to its great popularity around the world and allow refs to answer questions on derisions after the game to ensure they don’t make homer or corrupt decisions?

arsene york-hunt 4:41 Sat Feb 10
Re: Blue Cards
I want to see Time Outs where they could stand around for 5 minutes while the adverts are on. Then we could have the game divided into quarters, more adverts. Perhaps a specialst player coming on to take corners and free kicks then going off again more ads when he comes on and goes off. then if your team is in front perhaps bring on a DEEfensive team to protect your lead, more ads during change over. Most of all we need pop-singers leading the national anthem before matches, cheerleaders, and teams of refs wearing black and white striped shirts with baseball caps

DukeofDevo 12:03 Sat Feb 10
Re: Blue Cards
willswishwellingtons 10:56 Fri Feb

That’s going to be hilarious! Haven’t heard that scenario discussed anywhere on the sports channels! Can’t wait 😜

Eerie Descent 4:16 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Who will you be cheering on, son?

Northern Sold 4:01 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Isn't it just Cough son...

Anyway enough of all this BANTZ... off up Twickenham for the weekend....


Far Cough 3:20 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Top Bantz from soldinho son.

Northern Sold 3:11 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Plastic Aussie... every player when they join gets a home and away shirt, socks, shorts ,drill training top... that’s until we change sponsor in which case new set of around 30+ shirts etc ordered. If they lose any stuff they have to pay to get it replaced. So they do all their own washing. Jockstraps went out in the 50’s mate...

Northern Sold 3:07 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
ED... I’m a ex player... secretary/Treasurer now... oh and occasional lino when not getting yellows... Just wished I’d jumped at Vets footy far sooner than I did... playing senior football into your early 40’s trying to put nippers in the air was not much fun at the end... always said I did not want to belittle myself playing Vets... I just wish I’d played more vets with not as much a beaten up body. Standard is excellent... pitting your wits against ex-pro’s... ex-semi pro’s... and the football is decent. Be very few senior teams be able to keep up with two or three of the big dog teams in the Vets... especially if they go a couple of goals up. Anyway... last time I kicked a ball in anger was 9 years ago at Roots Hall... went out in a blaze of glory... 45 mins and then chucked up on the sideline. Boots hung up for good.

Fauxstralian 2:57 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Imagine Northern Tennis washes all the kits .... including handwashing the jock straps
Though his offers to help fit them have been rejected I understand

Mike Oxsaw 2:51 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
So. Red, Yellow and Blue. That's already nearly half a fucking RAINBOW and we're not even a quarter of the way into the century.

Any takers for suggesting offences to be covered under the 4 remaining and positively discriminated against gender-unspecific colours?

Eerie Descent 2:51 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Sounds like the sort of job the shittest player at the club gets lumbered with. Surely more agg than it's worth.

I'll stick with the New Cross Power League.

Northern Sold 2:43 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Think average age in our team is probably 40 years old.. yeah couple of 50+'ers but majority 35-40... believe it or not all kosher and same FA rules and reg's as any other type of football played in the country. Bookings... paperwork with the FA and player... sending offs ... more paperwork with FA and player... if you question it you have to go infront of a panel etc. It's a pain... and it does not help when myself gets a fucking booking being the linesman.... so you imagine the BANTZ in our club at that.

Eerie Descent 2:37 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
All good son, just wondering what load of paperwork needs doing when some 60 old bloke gets a yellow card?

Maybe you should move over to crown green bowling if it's getting too much?

Northern Sold 2:30 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Blimey... everything OK ED son?? You seem rattled... BANTZ??

Eerie Descent 2:27 Fri Feb 9
Re: Blue Cards
Paperwork? Hahaha!

You cut the oranges at half time as well, son?

Fucking busy cunt

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